Cyber Essentials Mark
Demonstrate your commitment to good cyber practices and cyber hygiene with third-party certification from GICG.

CSA Cybersecurity Certification – Cyber Essentials mark

With our nation moving towards being a digital domain Smart Nation and rise in digital risks, commitment to a cyber hygiene practice is essential for preventing organisations from succumbing to digital lapses and cyber attacks. GICG will help you to demonstrate your commitment to good cyber hygiene practices with Cyber Essentials Mark Certification, the standard to strengthen your cyber defences and to protect enterprises against the most common cyber attacks and threats.


To help enterprises take greater ownership of cybersecurity, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has developed the Cyber Safe Programme to help Singapore enterprises better protect themselves in the digital domain, raise their cybersecurity posture and protect against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.One of the initiatives under the programme is the Cyber Essentials Mark.

The Cyber Essentials Mark helps you to guard your organisation against cyber-attack.

The Cyber Essentials Mark takes on a baseline control approach which intends to protect enterprises against the most common cyber attacks and threats. The Cyber Essentials Mark demonstrates your commitment to cyber security and provide a cybersecurity risk management approach for your organization.


A Cyber Essentials mark from GICG shows that you have a system and practices in place for ensuring that you meet the required cyber hygiene standards and builds confidence among your employees and customers. It reassures customers that you are working to secure your IT systems against cyber-attacks. Having a Cyber Essentials mark attracts new potential business with the assurance that you have cyber security measures in place.

The Cyber Essentials mark is designed to support a
baseline controls cybersecurity programme for

The Cyber Essentials mark and is targeted at
resource-constrained enterprises with limited IT
and/or cybersecurity expertise and resources to
dedicate towards protecting IT assets and personnel


The Cyber Essentials mark is a cybersecurity certification for organisations that are embarking on their cybersecurity journey. It serves to recognise that your organisation has put in place good cyber hygiene practices to protect your operations and your customers against common cyber attacks.


GICG is one of the leading and internationally recognised Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) organisation with close to 30 years of experience in risk management and certification for information security management systems and training.
Appointed by Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) as certification bodies for the Cyber Trust mark and Cyber Essentials Mark, we help organisations like yours to strengthen your cyber defences and to safeguard your business against an evolving threat landscape.

A Cyber Essentials mark from GICG shows that your organisation has a system and practices in place for ensuring that you meet the required cyber hygiene standards and builds confidence among your employees and customers.

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The enterprise shall complete this self-assessment form to document the qualitative description, cybersecurity controls and practices implemented in the organisation. Following which, a GICG assessor will perform desktop verification against the organisations’ self-assessment and award the Cyber Essentials mark once verification has been completed.

Certification gives you peace of mind that your enterprises are protected against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.

Cyber Essentials Marks shows you how to address those basics and prevent the most common attacks.


Application fee (exclusive of GST):

Quantity of End-points Certification Fee for Cyber Essentials (As submitted in Proposal) Maximum Level of Support from CSA
(first successful application)
Certification Fee Charged to Industry
(Factoring in CSA support)
1 – 10 $500 $250 $250
11 – 20 $700 $350 $350
21 – 50 $700 $450 $250
51 – 100 $700 $500 $200
101 – 200 $1000 $550 $450

* The following considerations applies to the funding support:

  • Applicable only from now to 6 February 2026
  • Applicable only for the first successful certification per organisation
  • Only Singapore-registered businesses and Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) incorporated in Singapore are eligible
  • Organisations shall submit their completed application forms to their selected certification bodies.

For more information on the grant, please visit the CSA website here.

Interested businesses are encouraged to sign up for the certification programme. For more information on Cyber Essentials mark, including details of the checklists, please contact us using the following contact form. A GICG personnel will contact you for a no-obligation discussion.

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(Note: This is a sub-scheme of Cyber Essentials, and is applicable to Clinic Management Solution (CMS) vendors under the Ministry of Health CMS tiering framework.)


The Ministry of Health (MOH) which oversees the healthcare sector in Singapore also licenses and

regulates all healthcare establishments such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinical laboratories, medical and dental clinics. Cybersecurity is critical to the provision of quality and safe healthcare services in ensuring patient safety and welfare.

CSA and MOH have worked on an extension of the Cyber Essentials mark that is targeted at Clinic Management Solution (CMS) Vendors under the MOH CMS tiering framework. This extension of Cyber Essentials mark is referred to as “Cyber Essentials for CMS Vendors”.

Certification Duration

The Cyber Essentials certification is valid for a duration of 2 years.


The mode of assessment will involve desktop review and verification of the organisation’s self-assessment by our independent accessor/auditor.

Pre-certification preparation by the CMS vendor

The CMS vendor shall complete the guided self-assessment template required for Cyber Essentials mark certification for CMS vendor.

This consists of a list of requirements and recommendations that the CMS vendor shall assess and

indicate if these have been implemented in the organisation.

Independent assessment by certification body

Following the completion of its self-assessment, a GICG assessor will perform desktop verification against the CMS vendor’ self-assessment and award the Cyber Essentials mark for CMS vendor once verification has been satisfactory completed.

For the organisation to be certified for Cyber Essentials mark for CMS vendor, the CMS vendor shall meet all the requirements in the Cyber Essentials mark as well as the additional requirements required by MOH.


Application fee (exclusive of GST):

Quantity of End-points Certification Fee for Cyber Essentials (As submitted in Proposal) Maximum Level of Support from CSA
(first successful application)
Certification Fee Charged to Industry
(Factoring in CSA support)
1 – 10 $500 $250 $250
11 – 20 $700 $350 $350
21 – 50 $700 $450 $250
51 – 100 $700 $500 $200
101 – 200 $1000 $550 $450

* The following considerations applies to the funding support:

  • Applicable only from now to 6 February 2026
  • Applicable only for the first successful certification per organisation
  • Only Singapore-registered businesses and Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) incorporated in Singapore are eligible
  • Organisations shall submit their completed application forms to their selected certification bodies.

For more information on the grant, please visit the CSA website here.

Interested businesses are encouraged to sign up for the certification programme. For more information on Cyber Essentials mark, including details of the checklists, please contact us using the following contact form. A GICG personnel will contact you for a no-obligation discussion.

Cyber Essentials Mark Brochure


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