SS 668 is a new Singapore standard, called SS 668: 2020 – Cold chain management of chilled and frozen foods, that sets out organisational goals, policies and technical requirements that are key to the cold chain management process for food products.
Cold chain management is the process to ensure that temperature-sensitive food products are maintained at correct temperature from farm to fork to ensure food safety and quality. Without proper temperature and control, harmful bacteria in food can multiply rapidly, especially when left at temperature between 5oC to 60oC, which is known as the temperature danger zone.
SS 668 aims to strengthen Singapore’s cold chain ecosystem by improving the management of chilled and frozen food, which includes pre-packaged food, meat, vegetables and eggs.
The SS 668 series comprised the following parts:
- Part 1 – General requirements
- Part 2 – Code of practice for meat
- Part 3 – Code of practice for vegetables and fruits
- Part 4 – Code of practice for fish
- Part 5 – Code of practice for chilled table eggs