Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
Increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere from combustion and human – induced processes is hastening climate change and ocean acidification.
Climate change has significant impacts on our resource availability, economic activity and human wellbeing. It is one of the greatest challenges that will affect your company’s business in the long-term.
Calls for action sounded by international, regional, national and local public and private agencies are driving the demand for an effective and progressive response from businesses to address the impact of climate change.
In Singapore, companies are required to submit their Monitoring Plan (MP) and Emission Report (ER) when their annual GHG emission reaches and exceeds the threshold 25,000 tonnes CO2e.
Our VA Services can help your company meet required ER with an independent verification of the emission data compiled in the ER.
- Opportunities for your company to increase profitability with reducing energy consumption and strengthening its emission reduction strategy
- Enhanced credibility, consistency and transparency of company’s GHG quantification, monitoring, reporting and verification
- Opportunities to participate in GHG market, trading of carbon allowances or credits